
Navigation Alert and Changes To Iron Cove – Please Take Note!

Published Sun 13 Dec 2020

From the 14 December, 2020 Sydney Metro will be conducting essential geotechnical investigations within Iron Cove to assist with their planning and design work for the Sydney Metro West. It is expected that the work will commence on Monday 14 December for up to two weeks (weather dependent) and then again from 6th January 2021 for a further 3 weeks (again weather dependent).

In order for the works to be carried out, a Barge will be moored in the bay (see map below) and will undertake work at the three marked areas. The barge will have temporary lighting and will be elevated above the water surface so that it is not affected by tides, currents or water movement. The barge will also have an exclusion zone set up around it.

Therefore, LRC members will have to stop at Rodd Point and turn safely to the other side of the bay, watching for any oncoming boats and then continue your row back towards the bridge. Please do not go beyond Rodd Point. Once the works have concluded and the barge is moved, we can go back to our normal navigation in the bay.