
2020 Successful Winter Program

Published Fri 18 Sep 2020

Our winter program which has been running for 12 weeks concluded on Friday 11th September with a small celebration to recognise the achievements of all the athletes involved. I would like to thank both Jeff Paterson and Mal Campbell for running such a well organised program enabling all athletes to learn and improve in their rowing as well as inspire our next generation of rowers. It has been really enjoyable observing from the sidelines, so to speak, to see the smiling faces, enthusiasm and team work in this group. This group has also been very accommodating when we have asked them to move their sessions due to the return of the Pymble winter program.

It has also been great to see these athletes put on the LRC colours and represent us at the JB Sharp regattas, so good to see an entire race just filled with LRC quads! The small celebration on Friday night saw the athletes come together, along with their parents to celebrate such a successful program. The night was most enjoyable and certainly had great sense of community. I am looking forward to seeing many of the athletes and their parents again very soon, as they are becoming members of our wonderful club.

Club Captain Daniela Borgert